Acupressure involves pressure points on the body with fingers or hands to alter the internal flow of a supposed vital force or energy called chi (pronounced "chee"), strengthening it, calming it or removing a blockage of the flow. Acupressure is one of a number of treatment methods regularly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, a system of healthcare that originated in China thousands of years ago, which is still widely practiced in Asian countries today.
According to TCM, acupressure points are aligned along 14 body meridians, or pathways. Twelve of the meridians are bilateral, that is, identical versions of them (with the same sets of points) exist on both sides of the body. The other two are unilateral, running along the midline of the body. The 14 meridians do not correspond to any known physiological processes or anatomical structures in the body, such as nerves or blood vessels. Nevertheless, some well-controlled studies suggest that acupressure can be effective for a number of health problems, including nausea, pain and stroke-related weakness. A single point may be pressed for relief from a particular symptom or condition, or to promote overall well-being of the body. A series of points can be worked on in a specific order.
Acupressure Points
Acupressure can be administered by someone trained in the technique or it may be practiced at home. The force used on different points varies, but in general, most points call for a steady, downward pressure lasting one to two minutes. If you are applying pressure to a point several times in succession, complete this process on one side of the body before switching to the other side.
The risks of acupressure are minimal, provided certain cautions are observed. During pregnancy, the points designated Spleen 6 and Large Intestine 4 should never be used; avoid the abdominal area entirely, if possible. Never apply pressure to open wounds, varicose veins, tumors, inflamed or infected skin, sites of recent surgery, or areas where a broken bone is suspected.
Healing the natural way
With the modern world being subjected to tremendous stress and the air, water and sound pollution taking its toll on the mind and body, excessive excitement and the various stimuli keep us moving continuously in top gear. Excesses in eating and drinking have further increased the imbalance. Our age unfortunately has become a pill popping age. We use a pill for reducing stress or to sleep. To combat real and imaginary pains, antibiotics, anti-depressants and steroids are used. What we do not realize is that our body has the power to heal itself of many ailments. Acupressure is one such science which encourages the body to heal itself in the natural and physiological way.
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